
TeamStyle Team Report

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TeamStyle Team Report

The TeamStyle Team Report expands upon the four-quadrant model introduced in the Working Style assessment.  It presents a profile of your team’s characteristics and helps you determine your team’s favored style, its strengths, and growth opportunities.  The report provides insights as similarities and differences among team members and contains valuable guidelines and tips you can draw on to promote understanding, defuse conflict, and more fully utilize each member’s talents. 
The TeamStyle Report will assist you in

  • building cohesiveness, creating a shared purpose and building respect among members.
  • understanding the behaviors of the four styles; the advantages, and disadvantages of each style, and how the styles affect each other.  This understanding will help you negotiate interpersonal relationships and tasks so that all parties achieve mutually satisfactory goals.
  • learning how to “read” situations and the needs of the people with whom you work as well as guidelines and steps you can take to make your relationship with other styles more effective.
  • appreciating and maximizing the contributions each style brings to the team.
  • analyzing and identifying your team’s strengths and potential growth opportunities.
  • improving communication among team members.
  • growing in your professional development.
  • building an environment that promotes trust and understanding among team members, achieving goals that bring value to the organization and its stakeholders.
  • understanding that team development is not a program but an on-going process.  No team is ever perfect; there is always room for improvement.

Dimensions of Measurement
Characteristic Behaviors:  Actions that people can see or hear.  What a person does; it is the outer state expressed by the way a person prefers to communicate and do things.

Assertiveness:  Degree of forcefulness expressed in behavior.  Describes a person’s forcefulness, energy, and directness.
Preferred Orientation:  People or task; addresses a person’s priority for people (interpersonal relationship) or task (work assignment).
Pace:  Relative rate of action or speed.
Emotional Expression: Describes a person’s responsiveness, readiness to express emotions and feelings, and the degree of emotion expressed in behavior.
Style: is the way in which something is said, done, expressed or performed: behavior pattern, conduct, posture, gestures, tone.  A person’s style is based on a pattern of behaviors.  Because behaviors associated with our style are so habitual, they feel natural ... that’s why our style is often referred to as our "comfort zone."
Adaptability: Speaks to a person’s ability to be changeable and flexible in different situations and to adjust to other people’s style.
Teamability: Is the ability of a person to work as a collaborative member of a team.
Direct vs. Indirect: Describes how a person approaches various situations.
Direct: Quick decisions, talks and tells, impatient, confronting, outgoing, readily gives opinions. 
Indirect: Cautious decisions, listens and asks, unhurried, non-confronting, reserved, restricts opinions.
The report includes the following:
Type map of the four working styles
Characteristics of the four styles
Definitions and meanings of the four styles
Stress behaviors
Predictions about teams
Graphical and tabular representations of the team
TeamStyle map
Team characteristics
TeamStyle report; including actions to take to strengthen the team's effectiveness
Team communication tips
Team leader characteristics
Suggestions for being an effective team leader
Social and task congruency charts
Suggestions for interacting with styles
How others perceive you
Action steps; getting feedback on your leadership style, following-up with co-workers
When your style differs from your team leader's
Delegating strategies
Team ground rules (exercise)
Individual – The TeamStyle Report has its origin in individual team members conducting a WorkingStyles assessment, which includes a self-assessment as well as a self-managed 360-degree multi-rater component.  The results of the assessment provide valuable information and feedback to the individual team members by describing how they primarily approach and deal with people and situations at work such as their most effective environment, their least effective environment, how to effectively manage, how to be effectively managed, communication and persuasion, and growth opportunities.
Team – The TeamStyle Report aggregates the individual assessment results along with the results of the team leader and produces a report of approximately 25-30-pages that addresses team performance (task) and team relationships (people) and the implication of task and people on the team's chemistry in terms of performance and behavior.  A key outcome of the assessment is an ability to view ones self as well as see how others view us.  The 'observable behavior' feature is a key differentiator from other assessment instruments and provides a compelling reason to incorporate the TeamStyle Report for building team performance, productivity, and communication. 
The Ryan Group, Inc.
(214) 613-2582  
Darlene Davis  


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